This is a weblog that allows family members and friends to see what the Muench Family is up to in Vermont.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Taylor's Odyssey of the Mind Team 3/18/06
Taylor’s OM team got 3rd place in the statewide tournament. See the video of their performance that they wrote themselves! Way to go Tay-Tay! Jungle Bloke OM
Weston had a tough day on a tricky course. He fell the first run and had a better second run. Check out the video with original music by Rachel Carter and Bill Muench. Willard Race.
Rob Hunter, Jack Whittier, Paul Muench, my son Taylor and I went to Syracuse to be a part of the senior day festivities which featured a tearful good-bye to Gerry McNamara whose stellar four year career helped bring Syracuse University a national championship. We were lucky to a part of the all-time NCAA record crowd in attendance for G-Mac's last game at the dome. Villanova was the better team and three miraculous off-balance 3-pointers by McNamara in the closing minutes didn't help. It was, however, an emotional and speacial moment. See the video of the emotional day. Check out the beginning of the video and see how close we got to park to the Dome. 35,000 people parked further away than us -- thanks Jack!