Sunday, November 26, 2006


Building the barn

Here is a video of our house being built in 2003 and our barn being built this summer!

Friday, November 24, 2006


Thanksgiving 2006 with the Nagles

We had a great Thanksgiving with Barb's brothers and their families. Tim Waker put on a firework show, we had a great meal and had a huge fire outside! It was a true Vermont Thanksgiving! Gus had too much turkey and passed out:-)


Thanksgiving Day Football game

The annual Thanksgiving day football game ended in a 3-3 tie. On Taylor's second touchdown he brought out a sharpie and autographed the football for Weston. (Click on the picture to see what Taylor wrote on the football). On Weston's second touchdown he pulled out a cell phone and called grandpa'! Thanks a lot T.O.!

Friday, November 17, 2006


"The Car" Video

I had the pleasure of "starring" in one of the independent films that our students produce. Actually, it is more about the car than me. This is ten minute film called "The Car."

I play a business man who is oblivious to the adventures that his car goes on while he is at work. This is an example of the amazing work our students are doing under the tutelage of Brian Gawlik. The students even have the Rutland Police Dept. in the film. I am hoping that this is the beginning of my acting career.


Bernie Bandman visits SEARCH FOR IDENTITY Class

Today my seniors had a visit from Bernie Bandman to talk about his movie The Boys of 2nd Street Park. Bernie answered questions from the students and we had a frank honest discussion about the making of the documentary and the what is what like to be one of the The Boys of 2nd Street Park.
Bernie was also featured in the SAMFund video (Check out the video).
It was exciting to have him in the classroom and the kids really appreciated his appearance.

Here the is podcast of his visit.


Hydroseeding the lawn with Tim Waker

The final acre of horse pasture was hydroseeded this weekend and we are crossing our fingers that it will grow in the spring. If you have never seeded your lawn this way I found it to be very easy.
All you need to hydroseed your lawn is:
1) A neighbor who owns a hydroseeder.
2) A neighbor who can get into a fire hydrant.
3) A neighbor named Tim Waker

Friday, November 10, 2006


BBA Observatory Restoration Project (Part III)

The dome turns and the Dome Slit opens! We have taken another step closer to getting things up and running. Check out the video of the restoration!!

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