Sunday, September 24, 2006


Barn Update

The cement has been poured and we finally have the tin roof on. We still have "miles to go" before we sleep. But it looks like a Barn:-) We will be ready by summer 2007 to welcome the horses!

Saturday, September 23, 2006


Weston and Taylor's Soccer games

Weston and Taylor won their respective games today! Both boys played shutout minutes at goal and they both played well in the field. Taylor scored his first goal today and Weston played very well in the field.


Teaching and Taking Graduate Foundations of Education

I am teaching Foundations of Education to graduate students at Castleton College this fall. This is a picture of Stafford Hall where I teach the class. It is fun to be working with graduate students, many of whom are teachers themselves. Barb is on her last semester of graduate work and she will have her Masters in Education by Jan. 07! She is working hard and trying to balance teaching, graduate school, family and life.

Thursday, September 21, 2006


Welcome "Gus" to the Family

We would like to welcome our new puppy, a hound / retriever mix that we got from the Queensbury SPCA. After many different suggestions from my students, we finally named him "Gus" after Gus Grissom the astronaut. He has been a very good puppy so far. He sleeps quietly all night and is good about using the outdoor facilities.

The three top names that my students came up with were:
1. "It's a puppy" (thanks Lydia)
2. Brown Dog
3. Little Kitty (thanks Emma)

I'm sorry that we were not able to use any of those names:-)

Sunday, September 10, 2006


Don't Leave Band Reunion Sept. 9, 2006

Don't Leave reunited for a party at Tim Waker's Timber Ridge property. The original band was back together: Rich Titus, Lee Romano, Mickey Arace and Dave Domenick. The band was joined by long-time friend Tad Kinsley and Greg Snedicker on keyboards and cello. It was a wild party and I hope that it is not the last time that the original members play together. Thanks mom and dad for making the trip and taking the pictures!

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