After our trip to the hospital, Washington D.C. and Kennedy Space Center, we headed to West Palm Beach for a week of relaxation on the beach and by the pool. Later in the week, we had a chance to visit with friends of ours Lu and Clark French. Taylor was especially happy to see their son , Nikki, his buddy from Vermont. All in all it was relaxing and a treat to be together healthy and happy after the last year that we have had.
What a time we had at the Kennedy Space Center! Mom and Aunt Sharon met us at Cape Canaveral and we spent an entire day touring the KSC. We saw the launch pads , all the rockets and space ships that went into space. We met astronaut Jack Lousma who flew on Skylab 3 (see the video below). We went to the Astronaut Hall-of-Fame and saw our friend, Jerry Carr's hall-of-Fame plaque.
What a great time we had in Washington D.C. We spent an entire day walking "The Mall" and I was amazed at how impressive the entire place is. We had never been as a family and we were very moved by the Korean, Viet Nam and WWII memorials.
Things went well in Baltimore and the MRI showed what most people suspected already--there is nothing in my head! After the appointments at Johns Hopkins we headed to meet up with mom and Aunt Sharon at the Kennedy Space Center. A friend of ours said that there is a saying at the hospital: "Johns Hopkins always looks better in the rear-view mirror."