Friday, March 30, 2007


another brick in the wall (mom adds her two-cents)

Billy had quite a day yesterday. His knee began swelling to the point
of terrible discomfort. Barb called the orthopedic Dr. and set up an
apt. for 4 pm. They were taken from the waiting room immediately, but
then Bill waited in a chair for 1 hr. and 45 min. for the Dr. to
come. Some fluid was withdrawn from his knee and between the stress
of the day and the pain and discomfort, he passed out. They took him
by ambulance to the hospital which was right across the street. After an hour in the emergency room and (another) visit from Holly DeForest,
his blood pressure returned back to normal and after a series of
tests, they sent him home.

He had a restless night but is asleep on
the couch right now. When he wakes up we will try to get back into
action. Hopefully we will hear back from the Dr. today and try to
figure out what happened. Not sure how much of his therapy he can
Keep him in your prayers.
Mom/ Mary Lee

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