Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Discharge - (The Good Kind!)

When Mary Lee and I realized that Bill may be discharged yesterday we went to work on preparations for his entry back to the real world. Mary Lee called her sister, Sharon, who helped formulate lists; clean the car (an infection was inevitable if he even laid his head to rest on the seat!), buy applesauce, prune juice, prell, paper towels, vaseline, saran wrap, chapstick, pudding, sunglasses and....a hoody (getting the picture of the una-bomber yet?).
Operation discharge began at 9:00 AM. Mary Lee was dropped off at the hospital to be with Bill during his barium swallow test and I drove into the oblivion of the Baltimore suburbs in search of Kmart, and a car wash. I sniffed out a strip mall as I drove south on 695. I found almost everything I needed at a Target (I love Target...just wanted to say that) except.....the hoody. The hoody had very specific had to have a front zipper, and a white interior hood to avoid color bleeding into Bill's incision area. Target had nothing, Dick's next door had nothing...I called Elizabeth Titus who I knew would have a good solution. She suggested looking into women's clothing since women, not men wear white. I went into a Lane Bryant and found a lovely sweatshirt that fit all the criteria. The problem was that it was 'lovely' with white piping on the pockets...I realized Bill would rather stay on the neurology floor than leave wearing a 'lovely' Lane Bryant sweatshirt. Elizabeth told me to find a Kmart and I did...bullseye...a sweatshirt with all the proper qualifications was found....and to make everything even was on sale at $2.50!...the diet coke I bought with it cost almost as much. In between Target and Kmart I found a car wash and took the tan off my car to reveal a white subaru....all remnants of children and Gus have been vaccumed and removed as well!
I returned to the hospital with sunglasses and sweatshirt...ready for the get-away....only to find Bill at 1:00 PM still waiting for his swallow test. The nurse finally arrived and told Bill he seemed to swallow off the your lunch and go! Bill downed his lunch (he was not allowed to eat all day because off the pending barium swallow test). He was especially hungry since he had also been to a rigorous physical therapy session that included bouncing a basketball for 45 seconds! We pressed the call button and after a brief run through with the nurse we were ready....Bill changed into his Life is Good jammy pants, a comfy shirt and no shoes (they didn't make the list)...The hoody sweatshirt was on, and the sunglasses perched at the end of Bill's nose...where was the chair that was suppose to roll us out of the hospital? Bill was getting discouraged and frustrated...this was the last thing he needed after the longest five days of his life....that's it.... after over an hour I went to the nurse's station grabbed a lone wheely in the hall, and with the help of Danielle our favorite nurse, boarded Bill and with a brief wave we disappeared into the elevators....good-bye Meyer 817. The unabomber was offically free and pulling away at 4:30.
Mary Lee got Bill settled in his Marriott Bed at 5:00...propped on pillows, with water at his side, Bill looked more comfortable than I had seen him in days. I didn't realize how stressful being in that hospital room on a very busy hall had been. His eyes have softened and his shoulders have relaxed. I had been afraid of this next step but really the doctors were right, Bill was ready.
He has already taken a few laps up and down the hall, eaten a pork stew dinner, and re--loaded his iPod. He also has to keep an eye on his new nurses who are trying to set up medication charts...we already missed his eye lube by 20 min. We'll get the hang of it though.
Bill is truly now on the other side of this experience. He said he did not have the energy to write on the blog yet....(or should I say give a rebuttal on the ones written by me) but he will soon. Our friends continue to overhwelm us with calls, flowers, treats, and surprises.
Bill just gave a wave to the blog! He's back here with us and that is where he will stay.
He has a suture removal appointment on Friday and then with the doctor's OK all three of us will begin the journey home.....home....I just had to write that twice.