Monday, March 12, 2007
Monday Progress

And how is that do you ask? Well, yesterday after I returned to the hospital from updating the last blog, I found Bill sitting up in a chair. He looked himself in that position. His catheter had been removed and he was told to 'go' on his own. If his now atrophied bladder muscles did not cooperate then the snake line would return....that was enough motivation and he asked what he needed to activiate the sleeping giant....movement was the key. In the mean time Kim and Scott , friends from Vermont dropped by because they were visiting Kim's sister in Baltimore. What a great surprise to see such familair faces. Although Bill was exhausted from his attempts to wake up his inner muscles, he was cheerful during their visit. I took Kim and Scott to the small waiting room on the floor to debrief them. All off the sudden I could hear that familiar voice, 'how far down is the waiting room?" We peaked our heads out to see Bill coming down pushing a walker! He was quite motivated and he didn't pay too much attention to my cartwheeels on the hall. Kim and Scott joined us for a lap around the hall and photo with Bill and the therapist before we hugged them good-bye. As Bill rounded around in front the nurse's station the elevator doors opened and out spilled Mary Lee, Leo, Paul, and Susan all of who were startled by Bill's leap of progress. Smiles abounded. To add to the excitement the exercise and movement helped the sleeping bladder muscles to wake up and Bill said good-bye to the Foley catheter!
Lunch was brought for the first time. He nibbled and when I say nibbled imagine a rabbit taking a nip out of a dinner role while his lips feel the surface for approval. That was Bill's lunch.... a few tentative nibbles. Although he was discouraged with his lack of appetite, he kept himself positive.
Bill spent much of the afternoon resting after his earlier efforts. He watched the March Madness bracket choices with his family. He fell asleep before he knew that Syracuse didn't make it. Paul knew though and he was not happy.
Bill had another semi-restful night. I say semi-restful because the nurses continue to interrupt sleep for vitals and meds. His head pain is more tolerable and his nausea is subsidfing as well. He struggles with the side effects of steroids which he must take for brain swelling. They cause him burning sensation in his stomach and overall agitation. We are hoping they begin to ween him off that medication soon. While he is able to hold a cup and sip water, the left side of his face continues to be weak and he concentrates very hard each time he drinks to take in the liquid and swallow it.
It is now Monday morning and progress continues. Bill ate a small helping of scrambled eggs and a few spoonfuls of oatmeal. I stole the coffee and cherry muffin they brought that he didn't want! After breakfast Paul, Leo, Susan and Mary Lee arrived. Paul, Leo, and Susan said their good-byes and headed back home. Bill said he already missed them shortly after they left. Bill and I updated Mary Lee on the night and then physical therapy came and took him downstairs for a 45 minute work-out that included laps without the walker, stairs, grapevines, and neck exercises. I was able to video some of the session. Bill directs me to record just about everything in case he forgets.
I left Bill and Mary Lee to return to the hotel for this update, a shower, and a perfume spritz. I set up the many cards Bill received over the past few weeks on his window sill. They truly brighten him up.
On a side note, Randy Capone, Bill's friend from Syracuse who is a Dr at Johns Hopkins, has been such an anchor of support. He brought flowers for Bill's room and has visited Bill daily. He brought his wonderful wife, Marissa, to the hospital to see Mary Lee and me yesterday. They took us on a tour of the older part of the hospital where we learned all about Johns Hopkins, the man, as well as where 'rounds' got its name. In the 1800's when doctors visited patients in the dome shaped original hospital building the halls were round under the dome so they would say they were going 'round' to check on patients. We would not be here if it weren't for Randy. We are forever indebted.
I must close so I can get back to see Bill's newest milestones. Despite the exhaustion, discomfort, and weakness Bill has never uttered, "I can't."
Bill looks forward to Weston and Taylor's return home from school today. He plans on talking to them on his cell speaker that's the best medicine of all.