Saturday, March 17, 2007
Our Journey Home....

We left Baltimore in a pelting rain under dark gray skies. Despite the outer example, our inner reality was sunny and happy to leave and head home. Mary Lee, Bill and I were in a bit of denial that we were driving into a horrible northeast storm. Our plan was to drive as far as Bill was comfortable...hopefully northern NJ to my brother Don's house. The rain changed from being cold and gloomy to hard and sleety in Delaware. By the time we had reached Exit 2 on the Jersey Turnpike, traffic was slowed to 35 mph and driving was treacherous. A mixture of sleet, snow, and ice blanketed the road...we saw three cars rolled off the highway in a 1/2 mile stretch. When Bill asked for a bathroom break at Exit 4 I did not hesitate to get off the road. We pulled into a Hampton Inn parking lot to discuss where we would go for our pit stop. The weather took a turn for a worse as we talked. I made a sudden executive decision....we're staying put. Let's get a room. Although it was only 3:30 it seemed the only option.
We hadn't eaten lunch yet so Mary Lee and I left Bill in bed in the room and headed by foot through the sleet and snow to Bennigans next door. We were the only patrons there and the place was decorated to the hilt for St Patty's Day. There were 12 employees to serve the two of us. We were offered $3 Maragarita drink specials. I opted for the decaf tea, and Mary Lee had a diet coke....we are party animals....! We took a meatloaf and mash potato dish back to Bill that we smooshed into a lovely puree.
When Mary Lee put her jammys on at 5:00 I realized that our late lunch was dinner too. We turned on the basketball games and burrowed ourselves in the beds. Bill had an extremely difficult time getting comfortable. His neck was (and still is) caused him continuous discomfort. The 6 plus hour surgery with his neck in a contorted position has left him with a whiplash like injury. He is also having troubles with keeping upright enough to keep his lungs clear of fluids. He spent the night trying to position his neck comfortably as well as coughing and gagging. The incessant coughing made his head hurt even more. I slept beside him wishing I could share some of that pain. Even the narcotic pain killer could not lull him to sleep. When the sun rose, Bill had barely slept a wink. We decided to get out as soon as possible and head north to Don's house where he could lay in a more comfortable bed.
The storm had dumped a substantial amount of snow in northen NJ. Don was busy shoveling and moving cars when we arrived. The sun began to shine and I could feel that we were getting closer to home. Being at Don's house gave us that air of familiarity and warmth. Bill managed an hour and a half of sleep upstairs while we visited downstairs. My niece, Emma had just arrived home the night before from Cornell for spring break. It was an oasis to be there. Everything we needed to give us the push for our final destination; rest, food, laughs, and a cat. Incidentally I thought the cat had been put to sleep months ago since all I ever heard was how sickly he was....there is nothing wrong with that cat....he has duped my brother, sister-in-law Cindy, and children into THINKING he was on his way out....his cat privileges were way over extended...he sleeps on the kitchen counter, eats cheetos, and has full run of the house...he is not allowed to meet Zevon!
With ourselves recharged we got back in the car and headed north. This time we made it except for a brief stop at a service area ironically called, New Baltimore. From there we pointed the car to Manchester and never looked back. We got home at 5:00. As we wound ourselves back in the driveway, we were greeted with a huge WELCOME HOME sign and a St Patty's Day decorated house (thanks Bob and Bev!). The kids greeted us wearing green hats with open arms. The house was also very very CLEAN thanks to several BBA elves who did such a great job I need lessons! Rebecca Halnon I hear you are a cleaning machine!
Tonight we ate a delicious lasagna (thanks Elise!). Bill is resting back in our bed. He is exhausted and his weak facial muscles belie his joy at being home. Seeing the boys was wonderful. We spent time reading get well cards and posters Weston and Taylor made for our return. They seem older than I remember...the dog, Gus, is calm and relaxed. Pop-Pop really did wonders with him and Bill is calling him the "dog whisperer" now!
Although there are days and weeks ahead that may not be easy or comfortable, Bill is relieved and excited to be back on Wideawake Rd. The next time we visit Baltimore it will be for a post surgery follow-up and a visit to the that's a good reason to go to Baltimore!