Today we finished our pre-op appointments and I passed them all. I apparently have blood AND a heartbeat. Mom flew in this afternoon and we picked her up at the Baltimore airport. Barb got us lost on the way back and we saw parts of Baltimore that most people never see. I believe it was called “The Bowery.”

Tonight we went to The James Joyce Pub for dinner. We enjoyed the basketball games and I am excited to come out of this operation and see which teams won while I was asleep. Barb will be in charge from here on in and I know that I will never be able to thank all of the people who have prayed, phoned, emailed and written notes. I am truly humbled by the support and I am taking all of the positive energy with me tomorrow. When the first bell rings for school to begin tomorrow, I will be heavily sedated. Rabbi Cohen, Rev. Gray and Fr. Muench all called and said that they would be praying. I think that covers all bases!
# posted by Bill Muench @ 4:28 PM