Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Wednesday, March 7th Pre-op

Barb and I had an interesting day today. Before our meeting with the surgeons, we had the Inner Harbor to ourselves. A dusting of snow fell during the night and paralyzed the city of Baltimore! We had the city to ourselves. We were alone in The ESPN Zone and The Hard Rock Café (Click on the pictures to enlarge and view the emptiness:-). In fact, the entire Inner Harbor was deserted! Schools were cancelled and I am surprised a “state of emergency” was not declared!
In the afternoon we met with Dr. Niparko and Dr. Tamargo. When we left, we were sobered by the seriousness of the operation and confident that we are at the best place in the country for this particular type of surgery. Both doctors were a pleasure to meet with and I told them to get some sleep Thursday night and be ready to rock-and-roll Friday morning! The one funny line that Dr. Tamargo said was " we don't know why, but one out of three patients experience headaches after ther surgery." All I could think was, "Could it be the fact that you are cracking open the skull?":-) Leaving the parking lot of Johns Hopkins Barb nearly took out the crossing-gate-thing again. She is about due for an MRI!
Tomorrow I have a series of pre-op stuff and then we pick up mom at the airport. Barb will be the Blogster from here on. Below you can see an empty Hard Rock and Barb at the ESPN Zone.