It was a year ago today that Mary Lee, Bill, and I were making our journey home from Johns Hopkins in a blizzard....I like sugaring much better! Bill drilled the holes yesterday, hung the buckets, and collected enough for boiling this afternoon. After a morning skiing at Stratton, Taylor came home to check buckets and romp with Gus. While Bill and I were carrying the newly collected sap Taylor caught a photo of us on our way to the fire pit....can't wait to taste that Vermont gold!!! Rich Millet flew in from NYC last night and after attending our neighbor's (Nicholsons) "bacon party" we went to the Bushees to watch their sugaring process with bonafide equipment...water extractors, boiling vats, and purifiers. They sell their syrup to some local restaurants. We learned the difference between Vermont Fancy (very light), Grade A, Grade A amber, and Grade B. It all has to do with the weather that day it is collected and/or the beginning of the season...lighter in the beginning and darker at the end. B is best for cooking but A usually is more desirable for pancakes....however we love them all. The finished product last night yielded a scrumptous Grade A light. I'm not sure what the Muench batch will offer but better than Vermont Maid! Taylor is working on naming our syrup....:) We can't wait to have Weston home too!
# posted by Bill Muench @ 2:12 PM