Monday, March 16, 2009
Winter is almost over and spring is coming
It has been a very busy winter for our family and I have not had a chance to update the blog. Don't Leave is playing again and one of the highlights was having Weston's band ("Please Stay") share the stage with us. I also coached at the high school level for the first time in years. It was also the first time that I coached a girls team. It was the best experience that I have ever had coaching! Weston made the states in skiing and had a very successful season as did Taylor in basketball. Taylor was names all-tournament team twice this winter and single handedly outscored one of the teams we played. He scored 31 points and the team we played scored 30! Barb and I worked hard this winter (Barb worked harder than I did). In addition to her work at school Barb worked at Stratton Mt. on the weekends. I taught adult night classes in Psychology and Space exploration. CHeck out Weston's band below: