Friday, March 30, 2007
another brick in the wall (mom adds her two-cents)
Billy had quite a day yesterday. His knee began swelling to the point
of terrible discomfort. Barb called the orthopedic Dr. and set up an
apt. for 4 pm. They were taken from the waiting room immediately, but
then Bill waited in a chair for 1 hr. and 45 min. for the Dr. to
come. Some fluid was withdrawn from his knee and between the stress
of the day and the pain and discomfort, he passed out. They took him
by ambulance to the hospital which was right across the street. After an hour in the emergency room and (another) visit from Holly DeForest,
his blood pressure returned back to normal and after a series of
tests, they sent him home.
He had a restless night but is asleep on
the couch right now. When he wakes up we will try to get back into
action. Hopefully we will hear back from the Dr. today and try to
figure out what happened. Not sure how much of his therapy he can
Keep him in your prayers.
Mom/ Mary Lee
of terrible discomfort. Barb called the orthopedic Dr. and set up an
apt. for 4 pm. They were taken from the waiting room immediately, but
then Bill waited in a chair for 1 hr. and 45 min. for the Dr. to
come. Some fluid was withdrawn from his knee and between the stress
of the day and the pain and discomfort, he passed out. They took him
by ambulance to the hospital which was right across the street. After an hour in the emergency room and (another) visit from Holly DeForest,
his blood pressure returned back to normal and after a series of
tests, they sent him home.
He had a restless night but is asleep on
the couch right now. When he wakes up we will try to get back into
action. Hopefully we will hear back from the Dr. today and try to
figure out what happened. Not sure how much of his therapy he can
Keep him in your prayers.
Mom/ Mary Lee
Monday, March 26, 2007
We're Blogging Again! Monday 3/26.
When I began blogging it was to keep everybody up to date on the surgery and our stay in Baltimore. I don't know why I thought the journey was done when we walked in the door on Saint Patrick's Day. We feel like Bilbo and his friends....we were afraid to leave our Hobbit hole for the we are facing Gollum with a bit less fear but with trepidation nonetheless. I sang alot of John Denver on the car ride home...."Country Roads, Take me Home, to the place where I (we) belong....Verrrmmmmont....mountain momma, take me home." While it wasn't pretty (Bill out of the side of his mouth, Mary Lee with a failing hearing aid battery and my God given tone deaf voice) we sang it anyway...
Bill has been resting. When he is not convalescing, he is making regular dates with our Dr. Schwartz, and Physical Therapist, Kathy Metzger. When Kathy mentioned that his scar was a biggy, Bill replied, "Chicks dig big scars." Due to his facial numbness, Bill's voice lacks inflection so his humor resembles comedian Steven Wright and I can hear myself laugh out loud....those moments seem nearly normal.
Kathy has him standing on one foot while being timed. He is able to do the task but is visibly tired at the end of PT. His neck remains a source of pain as well as his overused right jaw (the right side is doing all the talking and chewing....a bit like Popeye without the pipe). Today Peggy Mole, Kathy's partner joined the pit crew. Peggy worked on a gentle massage on the neck to help fluid drain from his lymph nodes. At the same time Kathy ultra sounded Bill's locked knee (to add insult to injury, Bill's knee locked up last occassional ailment he has from floating debris left over from a 1985 knee surgery...sort of like floating space junk in his knee). If you looked in the room you would have thought Bill was living the life ....beautiful woman tending to his every need ...sort of like Ted Kozowski CEO of Tyco...remember that Toga party footage for his wife's 40th bday?....Well it wasn't exactly that much of a spa feel but Bill got much needed therapy and attention. We're just keeping our fingers crossed that Bill's knee unlocks so he can get on with his other recovery.
Bill has been comforted everyday with calls, cards, and a few visits. The cards are both inspiring and funny. Fan favorites include Rebecca's neutered dog card, Aunt Sharon's nurse card, Taylor's 4th grade class Get Well Cards and Denise Mathis' touching words....Bill also has received beautiful art work, bouquets, and food. He looks forward to the mail everyday... for the cards not the bills! In fact his new goal is to collect the mail at our mailbox (if his knee would agree to that).
We said a sad good-bye to "Pop-Pop" last Thursday. Gus, the dog, is especially sad....Tom talked to Gus like a friend. Gus is dog again since Tom left. The boys miss their trips to chance of that from us! Weston spent the weekend with his ski buddies practicing for his future geometry class...he was talking about 360's, 540's, and the ultimate 900....oh help....Taylor spent the weekend with friends at an indoor water park. Mary Lee and I continue to check the med chart, offer pureed specials, and organize. Yesterday Mary Lee had me throwing out muppet mugs and cracked glasses....I wouldn't let her near my childhood Looney Toon grape jelly jam jars glasses. Today I discovered my mother's ivy plant in the garbage ....Mary Lee thought it was looks dead but there is still a little photosynthesis going on in there...I gently scooped the ailing ivy out, repotted it and have a new med chart for the ivy.
Bill works hard everyday to make forward progress. It seems the progress is slow. When my brother, Jim, asked me this weekend how Bill was doing. I replied, "OK, but that he was still plagued with alot of discomfort." Jim then said, "but think about a week ago..." It was right then I made a huge realization....Bill is doing well. Last weekend he was so frail and weak we thought he'd blow away at the thruway rest stop....this week he is talking about going to the mailbox and eating goulash....and that's it....he is doing well and looks forward to his energy returning and his body healing.
I'd like to make a shout out for Joe Phillip Nicholson born to neighbors and colleagues Pete and Anna (their dog Lucy is also Gus' girlfriend) last night at 11:55. Welcome Joe! We can't wait to meet the little guy....
Bill has been resting. When he is not convalescing, he is making regular dates with our Dr. Schwartz, and Physical Therapist, Kathy Metzger. When Kathy mentioned that his scar was a biggy, Bill replied, "Chicks dig big scars." Due to his facial numbness, Bill's voice lacks inflection so his humor resembles comedian Steven Wright and I can hear myself laugh out loud....those moments seem nearly normal.
Kathy has him standing on one foot while being timed. He is able to do the task but is visibly tired at the end of PT. His neck remains a source of pain as well as his overused right jaw (the right side is doing all the talking and chewing....a bit like Popeye without the pipe). Today Peggy Mole, Kathy's partner joined the pit crew. Peggy worked on a gentle massage on the neck to help fluid drain from his lymph nodes. At the same time Kathy ultra sounded Bill's locked knee (to add insult to injury, Bill's knee locked up last occassional ailment he has from floating debris left over from a 1985 knee surgery...sort of like floating space junk in his knee). If you looked in the room you would have thought Bill was living the life ....beautiful woman tending to his every need ...sort of like Ted Kozowski CEO of Tyco...remember that Toga party footage for his wife's 40th bday?....Well it wasn't exactly that much of a spa feel but Bill got much needed therapy and attention. We're just keeping our fingers crossed that Bill's knee unlocks so he can get on with his other recovery.
Bill has been comforted everyday with calls, cards, and a few visits. The cards are both inspiring and funny. Fan favorites include Rebecca's neutered dog card, Aunt Sharon's nurse card, Taylor's 4th grade class Get Well Cards and Denise Mathis' touching words....Bill also has received beautiful art work, bouquets, and food. He looks forward to the mail everyday... for the cards not the bills! In fact his new goal is to collect the mail at our mailbox (if his knee would agree to that).
We said a sad good-bye to "Pop-Pop" last Thursday. Gus, the dog, is especially sad....Tom talked to Gus like a friend. Gus is dog again since Tom left. The boys miss their trips to chance of that from us! Weston spent the weekend with his ski buddies practicing for his future geometry class...he was talking about 360's, 540's, and the ultimate 900....oh help....Taylor spent the weekend with friends at an indoor water park. Mary Lee and I continue to check the med chart, offer pureed specials, and organize. Yesterday Mary Lee had me throwing out muppet mugs and cracked glasses....I wouldn't let her near my childhood Looney Toon grape jelly jam jars glasses. Today I discovered my mother's ivy plant in the garbage ....Mary Lee thought it was looks dead but there is still a little photosynthesis going on in there...I gently scooped the ailing ivy out, repotted it and have a new med chart for the ivy.
Bill works hard everyday to make forward progress. It seems the progress is slow. When my brother, Jim, asked me this weekend how Bill was doing. I replied, "OK, but that he was still plagued with alot of discomfort." Jim then said, "but think about a week ago..." It was right then I made a huge realization....Bill is doing well. Last weekend he was so frail and weak we thought he'd blow away at the thruway rest stop....this week he is talking about going to the mailbox and eating goulash....and that's it....he is doing well and looks forward to his energy returning and his body healing.
I'd like to make a shout out for Joe Phillip Nicholson born to neighbors and colleagues Pete and Anna (their dog Lucy is also Gus' girlfriend) last night at 11:55. Welcome Joe! We can't wait to meet the little guy....
Thursday, March 22, 2007
"Pop-Pop" left today

After thousands of emails asking Barb to get back on the blog-- we will be hearing from her tomorrow with an update! Thanks "Pop-Pop" for holding Vermont together in our absence.

Saturday, March 17, 2007
Our Journey Home....

We left Baltimore in a pelting rain under dark gray skies. Despite the outer example, our inner reality was sunny and happy to leave and head home. Mary Lee, Bill and I were in a bit of denial that we were driving into a horrible northeast storm. Our plan was to drive as far as Bill was comfortable...hopefully northern NJ to my brother Don's house. The rain changed from being cold and gloomy to hard and sleety in Delaware. By the time we had reached Exit 2 on the Jersey Turnpike, traffic was slowed to 35 mph and driving was treacherous. A mixture of sleet, snow, and ice blanketed the road...we saw three cars rolled off the highway in a 1/2 mile stretch. When Bill asked for a bathroom break at Exit 4 I did not hesitate to get off the road. We pulled into a Hampton Inn parking lot to discuss where we would go for our pit stop. The weather took a turn for a worse as we talked. I made a sudden executive decision....we're staying put. Let's get a room. Although it was only 3:30 it seemed the only option.
We hadn't eaten lunch yet so Mary Lee and I left Bill in bed in the room and headed by foot through the sleet and snow to Bennigans next door. We were the only patrons there and the place was decorated to the hilt for St Patty's Day. There were 12 employees to serve the two of us. We were offered $3 Maragarita drink specials. I opted for the decaf tea, and Mary Lee had a diet coke....we are party animals....! We took a meatloaf and mash potato dish back to Bill that we smooshed into a lovely puree.
When Mary Lee put her jammys on at 5:00 I realized that our late lunch was dinner too. We turned on the basketball games and burrowed ourselves in the beds. Bill had an extremely difficult time getting comfortable. His neck was (and still is) caused him continuous discomfort. The 6 plus hour surgery with his neck in a contorted position has left him with a whiplash like injury. He is also having troubles with keeping upright enough to keep his lungs clear of fluids. He spent the night trying to position his neck comfortably as well as coughing and gagging. The incessant coughing made his head hurt even more. I slept beside him wishing I could share some of that pain. Even the narcotic pain killer could not lull him to sleep. When the sun rose, Bill had barely slept a wink. We decided to get out as soon as possible and head north to Don's house where he could lay in a more comfortable bed.
The storm had dumped a substantial amount of snow in northen NJ. Don was busy shoveling and moving cars when we arrived. The sun began to shine and I could feel that we were getting closer to home. Being at Don's house gave us that air of familiarity and warmth. Bill managed an hour and a half of sleep upstairs while we visited downstairs. My niece, Emma had just arrived home the night before from Cornell for spring break. It was an oasis to be there. Everything we needed to give us the push for our final destination; rest, food, laughs, and a cat. Incidentally I thought the cat had been put to sleep months ago since all I ever heard was how sickly he was....there is nothing wrong with that cat....he has duped my brother, sister-in-law Cindy, and children into THINKING he was on his way out....his cat privileges were way over extended...he sleeps on the kitchen counter, eats cheetos, and has full run of the house...he is not allowed to meet Zevon!
With ourselves recharged we got back in the car and headed north. This time we made it except for a brief stop at a service area ironically called, New Baltimore. From there we pointed the car to Manchester and never looked back. We got home at 5:00. As we wound ourselves back in the driveway, we were greeted with a huge WELCOME HOME sign and a St Patty's Day decorated house (thanks Bob and Bev!). The kids greeted us wearing green hats with open arms. The house was also very very CLEAN thanks to several BBA elves who did such a great job I need lessons! Rebecca Halnon I hear you are a cleaning machine!
Tonight we ate a delicious lasagna (thanks Elise!). Bill is resting back in our bed. He is exhausted and his weak facial muscles belie his joy at being home. Seeing the boys was wonderful. We spent time reading get well cards and posters Weston and Taylor made for our return. They seem older than I remember...the dog, Gus, is calm and relaxed. Pop-Pop really did wonders with him and Bill is calling him the "dog whisperer" now!
Although there are days and weeks ahead that may not be easy or comfortable, Bill is relieved and excited to be back on Wideawake Rd. The next time we visit Baltimore it will be for a post surgery follow-up and a visit to the that's a good reason to go to Baltimore!
Friday, March 16, 2007
What We Think Has Happened On The Homefront
We talk daily to Weston and Taylor. We have had many inquiries from friends and family outside of Vermont who are are the boys? As many of you know they are in good hands....the hands of Grandpa Tom Muench or as they call him, Pop-Pop. There were many questions and answers for him as we ran out the door a week ago Tuesday as well as commands like, "You have to buy kitty litter, puppy food and a new leash!" In addition I left the house with no paper towels and just one roll of toilet paper in each back-ups available... The day had arrived for our departure so quickly and Bill and I had been so busy organizing our absences at school and keeping up with the boys' busy schedules. ...I hadn't left the house in the 'order' I would have liked. But Pop-Pop seemed fine with it all and stayed strong as we drove away (we returned 5 minutes later to retrieve the address book I had left behind).
Since we've been gone Pop-Pop, my brother Don, and Weston took Taylor to Burlington for his Odyssey of the Mind. We heard that Taylor did a super job and his team finished 5th out of 16!! Go Taylor and his team! We heard that they tried to go to Al's French Fries....Pop-Pop was excited just by the title of the restaurant....Tom's (Pop-Pop) GPS system, known as Martha, took them right to Al's house...I'm sure there were french fries there too but I don't think Al wanted to serve my kids at his house! They eventually found the restuarant...I think.
Weston and Taylor tell us what is going on daily. They have enjoyed homecooked meals from BBA faculty, enjoyed dinner at Panda Garden with the Nicholsons and Hunters. (Pop-Pop had a hard time finding a meat and potato meal there...he ate the sweet and sour chicken). Pop-Pop called from the parking lot to ask if Taylor was allowed to eat something called 'won-ton' soup. Other adventures have included a trip to Rutland with the Hunters to KFC (I know Weston was thrilled!) which suited Tom's taste well. The Dublois hosted them for a night at their house. Tom and the kids had a great time. Knowing they are well fed is a comfort.
Tom has had the task of caring for the animals. Zevon, the cat, is usually licking his nose when we call. He has a regular routine for Gus, the puppy. We hear about Zevon staring down Gus and guarding the water bowl so Gus is afraid to drink. Pete Nicholson takes Gus for a daily run with his dog Lucy which keeps his growing puppy legs active and tired! Tom never mentions Ratty Cat but he doesn't like her anyway so that doesn't surprise me.
Tom has been well cared for when the boys are in school. He has had lunch with Uncle Bill, Lee Romano, friends Megan and Robin, and Bob and Bev. Brian Gawlik has served as his personal tech department so all bases have been covered, good food, good company, good technical assistance, and good news throughout! He has taken the kids to school, picked them up and followed their schedules closely. The kids are happy and having fun. They love his energy as well as his expertise when they watch basketball on the TV. Tom has a March Madness bracket going for anybody who wants to join although the dealine was yesterday. Weston was so concerned that Bill would not be able to fill out the bracket he made one for will be interesting to see which one does better....Weston's or the one Bill was able to submit!
He has talked to them daily about Bill's progress. They have prayed together and celebrated too. Taylor told me that God answered all of his questions. I know that Tom helped Taylor ask those questions.
Bill and I can't wait to go home and see them. Thank you Pop-Pop for being the best grandfather :)
Since we've been gone Pop-Pop, my brother Don, and Weston took Taylor to Burlington for his Odyssey of the Mind. We heard that Taylor did a super job and his team finished 5th out of 16!! Go Taylor and his team! We heard that they tried to go to Al's French Fries....Pop-Pop was excited just by the title of the restaurant....Tom's (Pop-Pop) GPS system, known as Martha, took them right to Al's house...I'm sure there were french fries there too but I don't think Al wanted to serve my kids at his house! They eventually found the restuarant...I think.
Weston and Taylor tell us what is going on daily. They have enjoyed homecooked meals from BBA faculty, enjoyed dinner at Panda Garden with the Nicholsons and Hunters. (Pop-Pop had a hard time finding a meat and potato meal there...he ate the sweet and sour chicken). Pop-Pop called from the parking lot to ask if Taylor was allowed to eat something called 'won-ton' soup. Other adventures have included a trip to Rutland with the Hunters to KFC (I know Weston was thrilled!) which suited Tom's taste well. The Dublois hosted them for a night at their house. Tom and the kids had a great time. Knowing they are well fed is a comfort.
Tom has had the task of caring for the animals. Zevon, the cat, is usually licking his nose when we call. He has a regular routine for Gus, the puppy. We hear about Zevon staring down Gus and guarding the water bowl so Gus is afraid to drink. Pete Nicholson takes Gus for a daily run with his dog Lucy which keeps his growing puppy legs active and tired! Tom never mentions Ratty Cat but he doesn't like her anyway so that doesn't surprise me.
Tom has been well cared for when the boys are in school. He has had lunch with Uncle Bill, Lee Romano, friends Megan and Robin, and Bob and Bev. Brian Gawlik has served as his personal tech department so all bases have been covered, good food, good company, good technical assistance, and good news throughout! He has taken the kids to school, picked them up and followed their schedules closely. The kids are happy and having fun. They love his energy as well as his expertise when they watch basketball on the TV. Tom has a March Madness bracket going for anybody who wants to join although the dealine was yesterday. Weston was so concerned that Bill would not be able to fill out the bracket he made one for will be interesting to see which one does better....Weston's or the one Bill was able to submit!
He has talked to them daily about Bill's progress. They have prayed together and celebrated too. Taylor told me that God answered all of his questions. I know that Tom helped Taylor ask those questions.
Bill and I can't wait to go home and see them. Thank you Pop-Pop for being the best grandfather :)
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Clara, Florence and March Madness
Bill made a very full day for himself. He explored the hallway on a regular basis. Bill's walk has developed from a shuffle to a slide and now today I recognized his pidgeon toed stride come through. One of his first orders of business when he woke up was to make his picks for the March Madness bracket. We found the brackets published in USA Today. He filled them out and I typed them onto an email. He was very concerned with missing the deadline.
Bill has (for obvious reasons) not checked his email since last Thursday. He downloaded the emails and I read them to him. He was very quiet as I read each. I asked if he was OK until I realized he was concentrating on taking in each word. He just kept repeating how nice everybody was. It was impossible to reply to all of them although I scribed some emails back out. The brackets and his time on the computer were just further evidence of his recovery.
Clara and I spent the day checking our medical blogs. We missed one med by 1/2 hour, and another by an hour. Our charts obviously weren't working so we designed new ones and now we're feeling in control. Bill's not quite as certain of us....We took turns visiting the Whole Foods store around the corner for meals. We seemed to find something yummy each time we went and Bill has not complained yet.

I made a mad dash to the Inner Harbor to pick up some t-shirts we ordered last week for Weston, Taylor and Pop-Pop. The wind was blowing like crazy. I stopped at the Katyn Memorial at the end of Presidents Street. Bill and I passed it several times on our walks before he went in the hospital. It is a tall statue of golden flames with various human statues embedded in the flames. I stopped today to read the plaque. The Katyn Massacre was an event that happened during WWII when 20,000 Polish military officers were taken from POW camps in the Soviet Union (before the Soviet Union joined forces with the allies to fight the Germans) and transported to the Katyn forest in western Russia (near the Polish border). There they were tortured before being executed and buried in mass graves. The Soviet Union had wanted to eradicate the Polish intellgentsia (teachers, doctors, merchants, clergy, lawyers). Despite the atrocities, the Polish people never stopped fighting for sovereingty. The statue also memoralizes the great Polish warriors who fought against the Turks and Ottoman Empire as well as a two Poles who were instrumental in the success of the American Revolution including the build-up of artillery for George Washington and the engineer of the bastions built along the Hudson River from Saratoga north. The statue was sponsored a the polish community in Baltimore. It sits in the middle of a crosswalk. I approached with curiosity and left somber and reflective. It's amazing what you can learn if you stop for just a minute. I need to remember that even when I feel too busy to pause and read my environment.
I returned to the hotel with a hairdo that resembled a pecking from Alfred Hitchcock's movie, "The Birds." Clara and I did laundry, organized our belongings in preparation to pack, and watched the basketball games with Bill. We had some visitors come in from the front desk late in the afternoon. They brought a basket of fruit and cards from our dear friends. When we read the cards I could feel that all too familiar lump rise....not the bad kind but the one that says you've been blessed a thousand times over.
I realize that my days on the blog are numbered. Bill will be (thankfully) driving the wheel again soon. But I will remember this week not just from a hospital room but from these pages where Bill and I together have shared these days. His smile may be only half as wide, his voice not as clear and his feet not as steady but he is OK. He is here, he is positive, fun and still bigger than life.
This experience while not welcomed has changed our lives. Bill's illness has not emptied our souls but rather with the love and support of family and friends has filled them. I have a lifetime of gratitude, love, and support to give back. You have all filled us with the most important thing in life; appreciation for whats important and the knowing that we can all make a difference.
Bill is scheduled to have his sutures removed tomorrow at 11 AM and then we head north where I can put the studs on my tire back to work.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Discharge - (The Good Kind!)

When Mary Lee and I realized that Bill may be discharged yesterday we went to work on preparations for his entry back to the real world. Mary Lee called her sister, Sharon, who helped formulate lists; clean the car (an infection was inevitable if he even laid his head to rest on the seat!), buy applesauce, prune juice, prell, paper towels, vaseline, saran wrap, chapstick, pudding, sunglasses and....a hoody (getting the picture of the una-bomber yet?).
Operation discharge began at 9:00 AM. Mary Lee was dropped off at the hospital to be with Bill during his barium swallow test and I drove into the oblivion of the Baltimore suburbs in search of Kmart, and a car wash. I sniffed out a strip mall as I drove south on 695. I found almost everything I needed at a Target (I love Target...just wanted to say that) except.....the hoody. The hoody had very specific had to have a front zipper, and a white interior hood to avoid color bleeding into Bill's incision area. Target had nothing, Dick's next door had nothing...I called Elizabeth Titus who I knew would have a good solution. She suggested looking into women's clothing since women, not men wear white. I went into a Lane Bryant and found a lovely sweatshirt that fit all the criteria. The problem was that it was 'lovely' with white piping on the pockets...I realized Bill would rather stay on the neurology floor than leave wearing a 'lovely' Lane Bryant sweatshirt. Elizabeth told me to find a Kmart and I did...bullseye...a sweatshirt with all the proper qualifications was found....and to make everything even was on sale at $2.50!...the diet coke I bought with it cost almost as much. In between Target and Kmart I found a car wash and took the tan off my car to reveal a white subaru....all remnants of children and Gus have been vaccumed and removed as well!
I returned to the hospital with sunglasses and sweatshirt...ready for the get-away....only to find Bill at 1:00 PM still waiting for his swallow test. The nurse finally arrived and told Bill he seemed to swallow off the your lunch and go! Bill downed his lunch (he was not allowed to eat all day because off the pending barium swallow test). He was especially hungry since he had also been to a rigorous physical therapy session that included bouncing a basketball for 45 seconds! We pressed the call button and after a brief run through with the nurse we were ready....Bill changed into his Life is Good jammy pants, a comfy shirt and no shoes (they didn't make the list)...The hoody sweatshirt was on, and the sunglasses perched at the end of Bill's nose...where was the chair that was suppose to roll us out of the hospital? Bill was getting discouraged and frustrated...this was the last thing he needed after the longest five days of his life....that's it.... after over an hour I went to the nurse's station grabbed a lone wheely in the hall, and with the help of Danielle our favorite nurse, boarded Bill and with a brief wave we disappeared into the elevators....good-bye Meyer 817. The unabomber was offically free and pulling away at 4:30.
Mary Lee got Bill settled in his Marriott Bed at 5:00...propped on pillows, with water at his side, Bill looked more comfortable than I had seen him in days. I didn't realize how stressful being in that hospital room on a very busy hall had been. His eyes have softened and his shoulders have relaxed. I had been afraid of this next step but really the doctors were right, Bill was ready.
He has already taken a few laps up and down the hall, eaten a pork stew dinner, and re--loaded his iPod. He also has to keep an eye on his new nurses who are trying to set up medication charts...we already missed his eye lube by 20 min. We'll get the hang of it though.
Bill is truly now on the other side of this experience. He said he did not have the energy to write on the blog yet....(or should I say give a rebuttal on the ones written by me) but he will soon. Our friends continue to overhwelm us with calls, flowers, treats, and surprises.
Bill just gave a wave to the blog! He's back here with us and that is where he will stay.
He has a suture removal appointment on Friday and then with the doctor's OK all three of us will begin the journey home.....home....I just had to write that twice.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Tuesday update
It's a little after 1 PM on Tuesday. I stayed in the hotel with Mary Lee last night. We didn't get back to our room until after 9:00. We decided to go to the bar for chardonnay and a Corona. We figured if Bill wasn't eating a lot of solids we didn't have to either.
The speech and language pathologist, Julie, came yesterday afternoon to check on Bill's speech and swallowing. We immediately were drawn to her .....who did she remind us of?....I think it's Amanda Clark (former BBA student) but the jury is still out on a majority vote. She had Bill uttering lots of tongue twisters and funny sounds. He had to eat baby food to demonstrate his swallowing technique. Julie recommended that Bill stick to a very chopped up diet so that he would not have to work so hard to chew and then swallow. When dinner arrived a roast chicken was cut into a sawdust pile in front of him. An orange lump of squash accompanied the sawdust. Despite its appearance Bill gave it rave reviews and finished the entire plate. A cup of melting vanilla ice cream completed the meal....meal...I never knew how nice that word sounded until I watched him eat.
We set Bill up with his ipod...he actually had to do it since I'm from the technical spaz department. He was able to hold the computer on his lap and load his ipod off the itunes on his computer. The nurse, Beryl, came in and was impressed with his technical prowess. He told her his ipod held 10,000 sons and what did she like to listen to...she said Gospel (we are almost in the south) and lo and behold Bill has Gospel in that iPod! He cranked it up and Beryl was swaying in the room! We left with the nurse call button at Bill's side and Beryl singing in the halls....if that isn't a Bill Muench moment, what is?
We returned this morning in time for Bill's breakfast followed by more physical therapy. Bill was not feeling as well rested as we had hoped but he worked very hard for 30 minutes walking in the hall. By the time he was finished his exhaustion could not be concealed. He wanted to listen to some iPod casts that I thought I had successfully downloaded in the hotel this AM but I forgot to press the little buttons that said 'get' remember I am HEAD of the technical spaz department and so this was not a shock. I had to navigate elevators, hallways and parking garages to get back to wireless at the hotel. The hospital does not let outsiders in on their wirelss fun. Now that the 'get' button is 'gotten' I am going to return to show off my technical savvy.
I also am downloading for Bill the commentary that Mary Barosse Schwartz did on VPR last Friday evening just about the time Bill was out of surgery. We were aware of the commentary but had no way of listening to it until it was put on the web site. Mary's words are so thoughtful and ring so true that they felt like a warm hug that lingers long after the arms are released when Mary Lee and I listened last night. I can't wait to share the commentary with Bill today.
The doctors mentioned the word discharge this morning.....although we don't feel ready yet for that big step it means that things are going as the doctors had hoped.
The speech and language pathologist, Julie, came yesterday afternoon to check on Bill's speech and swallowing. We immediately were drawn to her .....who did she remind us of?....I think it's Amanda Clark (former BBA student) but the jury is still out on a majority vote. She had Bill uttering lots of tongue twisters and funny sounds. He had to eat baby food to demonstrate his swallowing technique. Julie recommended that Bill stick to a very chopped up diet so that he would not have to work so hard to chew and then swallow. When dinner arrived a roast chicken was cut into a sawdust pile in front of him. An orange lump of squash accompanied the sawdust. Despite its appearance Bill gave it rave reviews and finished the entire plate. A cup of melting vanilla ice cream completed the meal....meal...I never knew how nice that word sounded until I watched him eat.
We set Bill up with his ipod...he actually had to do it since I'm from the technical spaz department. He was able to hold the computer on his lap and load his ipod off the itunes on his computer. The nurse, Beryl, came in and was impressed with his technical prowess. He told her his ipod held 10,000 sons and what did she like to listen to...she said Gospel (we are almost in the south) and lo and behold Bill has Gospel in that iPod! He cranked it up and Beryl was swaying in the room! We left with the nurse call button at Bill's side and Beryl singing in the halls....if that isn't a Bill Muench moment, what is?
We returned this morning in time for Bill's breakfast followed by more physical therapy. Bill was not feeling as well rested as we had hoped but he worked very hard for 30 minutes walking in the hall. By the time he was finished his exhaustion could not be concealed. He wanted to listen to some iPod casts that I thought I had successfully downloaded in the hotel this AM but I forgot to press the little buttons that said 'get' remember I am HEAD of the technical spaz department and so this was not a shock. I had to navigate elevators, hallways and parking garages to get back to wireless at the hotel. The hospital does not let outsiders in on their wirelss fun. Now that the 'get' button is 'gotten' I am going to return to show off my technical savvy.
I also am downloading for Bill the commentary that Mary Barosse Schwartz did on VPR last Friday evening just about the time Bill was out of surgery. We were aware of the commentary but had no way of listening to it until it was put on the web site. Mary's words are so thoughtful and ring so true that they felt like a warm hug that lingers long after the arms are released when Mary Lee and I listened last night. I can't wait to share the commentary with Bill today.
The doctors mentioned the word discharge this morning.....although we don't feel ready yet for that big step it means that things are going as the doctors had hoped.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Monday Progress

And how is that do you ask? Well, yesterday after I returned to the hospital from updating the last blog, I found Bill sitting up in a chair. He looked himself in that position. His catheter had been removed and he was told to 'go' on his own. If his now atrophied bladder muscles did not cooperate then the snake line would return....that was enough motivation and he asked what he needed to activiate the sleeping giant....movement was the key. In the mean time Kim and Scott , friends from Vermont dropped by because they were visiting Kim's sister in Baltimore. What a great surprise to see such familair faces. Although Bill was exhausted from his attempts to wake up his inner muscles, he was cheerful during their visit. I took Kim and Scott to the small waiting room on the floor to debrief them. All off the sudden I could hear that familiar voice, 'how far down is the waiting room?" We peaked our heads out to see Bill coming down pushing a walker! He was quite motivated and he didn't pay too much attention to my cartwheeels on the hall. Kim and Scott joined us for a lap around the hall and photo with Bill and the therapist before we hugged them good-bye. As Bill rounded around in front the nurse's station the elevator doors opened and out spilled Mary Lee, Leo, Paul, and Susan all of who were startled by Bill's leap of progress. Smiles abounded. To add to the excitement the exercise and movement helped the sleeping bladder muscles to wake up and Bill said good-bye to the Foley catheter!
Lunch was brought for the first time. He nibbled and when I say nibbled imagine a rabbit taking a nip out of a dinner role while his lips feel the surface for approval. That was Bill's lunch.... a few tentative nibbles. Although he was discouraged with his lack of appetite, he kept himself positive.
Bill spent much of the afternoon resting after his earlier efforts. He watched the March Madness bracket choices with his family. He fell asleep before he knew that Syracuse didn't make it. Paul knew though and he was not happy.
Bill had another semi-restful night. I say semi-restful because the nurses continue to interrupt sleep for vitals and meds. His head pain is more tolerable and his nausea is subsidfing as well. He struggles with the side effects of steroids which he must take for brain swelling. They cause him burning sensation in his stomach and overall agitation. We are hoping they begin to ween him off that medication soon. While he is able to hold a cup and sip water, the left side of his face continues to be weak and he concentrates very hard each time he drinks to take in the liquid and swallow it.
It is now Monday morning and progress continues. Bill ate a small helping of scrambled eggs and a few spoonfuls of oatmeal. I stole the coffee and cherry muffin they brought that he didn't want! After breakfast Paul, Leo, Susan and Mary Lee arrived. Paul, Leo, and Susan said their good-byes and headed back home. Bill said he already missed them shortly after they left. Bill and I updated Mary Lee on the night and then physical therapy came and took him downstairs for a 45 minute work-out that included laps without the walker, stairs, grapevines, and neck exercises. I was able to video some of the session. Bill directs me to record just about everything in case he forgets.
I left Bill and Mary Lee to return to the hotel for this update, a shower, and a perfume spritz. I set up the many cards Bill received over the past few weeks on his window sill. They truly brighten him up.
On a side note, Randy Capone, Bill's friend from Syracuse who is a Dr at Johns Hopkins, has been such an anchor of support. He brought flowers for Bill's room and has visited Bill daily. He brought his wonderful wife, Marissa, to the hospital to see Mary Lee and me yesterday. They took us on a tour of the older part of the hospital where we learned all about Johns Hopkins, the man, as well as where 'rounds' got its name. In the 1800's when doctors visited patients in the dome shaped original hospital building the halls were round under the dome so they would say they were going 'round' to check on patients. We would not be here if it weren't for Randy. We are forever indebted.
I must close so I can get back to see Bill's newest milestones. Despite the exhaustion, discomfort, and weakness Bill has never uttered, "I can't."
Bill looks forward to Weston and Taylor's return home from school today. He plans on talking to them on his cell speaker that's the best medicine of all.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Sunday Morning
I was unable to update the blog yesterday. Mary Lee and I could not visit Bill until noon yesterday and once we got to the hospital we were with him all day. In fact I spent the night in a cot beside him. I have come back to the hotel momentarily to have breakfast, shower and do some laundry as well as pick up Mary Lee for a return to the hospital.
When we arrived yesterday at noon Bill was still in the neuro critical care unit. A nurse was stationed to him at all times. She monitored all of his vital signs and cognitive abilities throughout the night. There was hardly any room for Mary Lee and I in the room because of all the machinery that Bill was attached to. It was evident at first sight that Bill was in alot of pain and completely exhausted. He whispered to us that he did not get any sleep all night...the pain and nausea were excruciating. Of course he was stoic and had sat all night watching the clock tick slowly until our return.
Shortly after we arrived, Bill was transferred to a single room on the neuro floor. He was cut loose from all the monitors and rolled into a quiet room with a sunny window. Bill immediately asked for "basketball." We ordered the cable and within moments BC versus NC was on the screen. While he did not have the energy to look at the game, it gave him a sense of normalcy.
Yesterday proved to be difficult with little relief from pain and nausea. His neck is also very painful from being both swisted in an unatural position during surgery and swelling from the 5 inch incision behind his ear. Pain medications are not heavy because they want Bill to be aware at all times in order to monitor his cognition. His headache is self explanatory (brain surgery!) and the nausea comes from the cutting of the left vestibular nerve. Although the tumor had basically destroyed the nerve already, the further destruction of it during surgery has caused
severe dizziness and lack of balance with just a little movement. The Dr.s have all said that time and movement with allow his right vestibular nerve to pick up the slack and he will regain his innate sense of balance. In addition to the mentioned, Bill's facial nerve is severley weakened by the surgery and he is having difficulty with motion on the left side of his face. He has a cellophane wrap over his left eye to protect his cornea since he cannot close his eye completely. The left side of his mouth is also weakened so he sounds drunk when he talks (but he's not).
The nurse told Bill that as the pain meds built up in his system, he would get more relief. She was right because by 7:45 last night he was finally resting. He was able to put together a few hours of sleep between the nurse recording vitals and dispensing meds. By 8 AM this morning he was markedly improved. One of the Fellow Drs on the team, Dr. Eiser, came in (he will be moving to Hartford in August to join an otology practice) and removed the heavy bandage on Bill's incision. The incision looks good.
We have already reached some milestones today. The catheter was removed and one of the plans for today is to try solid foods. He has been on an IV drip since Friday and his last meal was lamb stew at James Joyce's Pub. He is very hungry. He had to prove his swallowing capabilities by taking his own meds and drinking on his own. He passed! A physical therapist will come and make a plan for getting him up (slowly) and moving. He is ready to follow all instructions with 100% effort.
Mary Lee and I are packing a bag with comfortable flannels. The day before surgery he bought a pair of "life is Good" flannel pajama pants which we washed for him. Leo, Paul and Susan will be back again to visit today. I will update the blog again the next time I'm back at the computer.
Thank you for all the calls and emails....they truly make recovery easier!
When we arrived yesterday at noon Bill was still in the neuro critical care unit. A nurse was stationed to him at all times. She monitored all of his vital signs and cognitive abilities throughout the night. There was hardly any room for Mary Lee and I in the room because of all the machinery that Bill was attached to. It was evident at first sight that Bill was in alot of pain and completely exhausted. He whispered to us that he did not get any sleep all night...the pain and nausea were excruciating. Of course he was stoic and had sat all night watching the clock tick slowly until our return.
Shortly after we arrived, Bill was transferred to a single room on the neuro floor. He was cut loose from all the monitors and rolled into a quiet room with a sunny window. Bill immediately asked for "basketball." We ordered the cable and within moments BC versus NC was on the screen. While he did not have the energy to look at the game, it gave him a sense of normalcy.
Yesterday proved to be difficult with little relief from pain and nausea. His neck is also very painful from being both swisted in an unatural position during surgery and swelling from the 5 inch incision behind his ear. Pain medications are not heavy because they want Bill to be aware at all times in order to monitor his cognition. His headache is self explanatory (brain surgery!) and the nausea comes from the cutting of the left vestibular nerve. Although the tumor had basically destroyed the nerve already, the further destruction of it during surgery has caused
severe dizziness and lack of balance with just a little movement. The Dr.s have all said that time and movement with allow his right vestibular nerve to pick up the slack and he will regain his innate sense of balance. In addition to the mentioned, Bill's facial nerve is severley weakened by the surgery and he is having difficulty with motion on the left side of his face. He has a cellophane wrap over his left eye to protect his cornea since he cannot close his eye completely. The left side of his mouth is also weakened so he sounds drunk when he talks (but he's not).
The nurse told Bill that as the pain meds built up in his system, he would get more relief. She was right because by 7:45 last night he was finally resting. He was able to put together a few hours of sleep between the nurse recording vitals and dispensing meds. By 8 AM this morning he was markedly improved. One of the Fellow Drs on the team, Dr. Eiser, came in (he will be moving to Hartford in August to join an otology practice) and removed the heavy bandage on Bill's incision. The incision looks good.
We have already reached some milestones today. The catheter was removed and one of the plans for today is to try solid foods. He has been on an IV drip since Friday and his last meal was lamb stew at James Joyce's Pub. He is very hungry. He had to prove his swallowing capabilities by taking his own meds and drinking on his own. He passed! A physical therapist will come and make a plan for getting him up (slowly) and moving. He is ready to follow all instructions with 100% effort.
Mary Lee and I are packing a bag with comfortable flannels. The day before surgery he bought a pair of "life is Good" flannel pajama pants which we washed for him. Leo, Paul and Susan will be back again to visit today. I will update the blog again the next time I'm back at the computer.
Thank you for all the calls and emails....they truly make recovery easier!
Friday, March 09, 2007
Surgery is Over
This will be quick as Bill's Mom, Mary Lee, and I have just returned from the hospital. I wanted everybody to know that Bill made it through surgery and is now in the neuro intensive care center. We kissed him good-bye at 7:15 AM and then we were at his bedside again at 5:00 PM. Dr. Tamargo and Dr. Niparko both raved that he set records in the surgery with his slow and steady heartrate. I whispered that into Bill's ear tonight and he managed a smile...
The surgery was a success. The tumor was larger than they had anticipated but that did not effect their abilitites to completely remove it and preserve his facial nerve. He will have facial weakness but should recoup with time.
We spent time with Bill's nurses who are wonderful. They are full of energy, and concern. Bill greets them each time they come in the room with a muffled hello. He is extremely uncomfortable and because they want him alert, are giving him minimal pain medication. Despite his severe headache and nausea to accompany it, he is lucid enough to want to connect with everybody. He is optimisitc and cheerful through the pain. He squeezed my hand and asked me how I was doing....his concern for others never diminishes!
I close knowing that the surgery is finally behind him and he is in good and safe hands during this difficult night. I will write more tomorrow and perhaps include some of Bill's thoughts as well.
Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. They reached us and continue to do so.
The surgery was a success. The tumor was larger than they had anticipated but that did not effect their abilitites to completely remove it and preserve his facial nerve. He will have facial weakness but should recoup with time.
We spent time with Bill's nurses who are wonderful. They are full of energy, and concern. Bill greets them each time they come in the room with a muffled hello. He is extremely uncomfortable and because they want him alert, are giving him minimal pain medication. Despite his severe headache and nausea to accompany it, he is lucid enough to want to connect with everybody. He is optimisitc and cheerful through the pain. He squeezed my hand and asked me how I was doing....his concern for others never diminishes!
I close knowing that the surgery is finally behind him and he is in good and safe hands during this difficult night. I will write more tomorrow and perhaps include some of Bill's thoughts as well.
Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. They reached us and continue to do so.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Thursday, March 8th Pre-op Part II

Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Wednesday, March 7th Pre-op

Barb and I had an interesting day today. Before our meeting with the surgeons, we had the Inner Harbor to ourselves. A dusting of snow fell during the night and paralyzed the city of Baltimore! We had the city to ourselves. We were alone in The ESPN Zone and The Hard Rock Café (Click on the pictures to enlarge and view the emptiness:-). In fact, the entire Inner Harbor was deserted! Schools were cancelled and I am surprised a “state of emergency” was not declared!
In the afternoon we met with Dr. Niparko and Dr. Tamargo. When we left, we were sobered by the seriousness of the operation and confident that we are at the best place in the country for this particular type of surgery. Both doctors were a pleasure to meet with and I told them to get some sleep Thursday night and be ready to rock-and-roll Friday morning! The one funny line that Dr. Tamargo said was " we don't know why, but one out of three patients experience headaches after ther surgery." All I could think was, "Could it be the fact that you are cracking open the skull?":-) Leaving the parking lot of Johns Hopkins Barb nearly took out the crossing-gate-thing again. She is about due for an MRI!
Tomorrow I have a series of pre-op stuff and then we pick up mom at the airport. Barb will be the Blogster from here on. Below you can see an empty Hard Rock and Barb at the ESPN Zone.

Tuesday, March 6th -- Arrived in Baltimore
Our trip began with a cell phone replacement in Bennington (many thanks to Andy Nicholson, Pete's brother). Gus, the puppy, thought that Bill's cell phone would make a great throw toy in the snow.....we said good-bye to the phone at 10 PM Monday night.
Our drive was smooth with little traffic. Peter Mull's sister lives in Baltimore and his brother-in-law Carl became our ground control. He flew us right to our hotel without a glitch. We're here! No know the old...'most accidents happen within five miles of destination'....our occurred within a 100 yards of our the parking garage...I have this spatial depth problem. When I go skiing the six-pack gates at the lift cause me much confusion and sometimes-internal panic no matter how many times I go through them. I had one of those moments. I slid my hotel card in the slot but also suddenly saw a note about taking a ticket...I didn't know if I was OK to go or if I needed to grab a ticket too. I asked the clerk who was locked in her glass hut without a window, like a goldfish except she was wearing red. She unlocked her bowl and came out to tell I could go so I did. As I went, the striped gate that works as an entrance barrier that had been suspended in air welcoming me into the lot came down on my car. I had waited too 30 seconds were up. Don't ask me why I did this...I blame it on my spatial perception issues...I gunned my car. I thought I could get out from underneath it or maybe it would pop back up if I went fast. Suddenly there was that sound of wood splitting (the gate being ripped from it's pole) and a wom
an screaming. Within moments I
became a convict in Baltimore. The woman kept telling me in her heavy Spanish accent she needed to wait to see what Cameron said...Cameron knew what happened. Bill and I thought how would she know? Lady in red pointed up into space and suddenly we knew....’Cameron’ who was actually ‘camera’ would know!!!! A beady eye was staring down at us....I felt terribly guilty. She took all of my information including last years 1040....what an experience. (Click on the pictures to enlarge) Of course, this was all fine entertainment for Bill! We decided that I was to have my head examined as well.
Bill went out to try to get a picture of the crime scene this morning. He returned to say there was a crew working to put on a new gate. I can’t exactly run out of dodge either!
We woke up to a snow day in Baltimore. The news had a lady standing in the streets of Baltimore telling people to be careful driving while the bottom screen had a ticker of school closings. All of this and there is barely a dusting....we even saw a man clearing the side walks with a leaf blower! I am enjoying the weather. It feels like home, which we already miss.
Bill is finishing up paperwork for his appointments today and I'm busy being too wordy. We have had many discussions on our trip, throughout the evening, and this AM of how fortunate we are to have such wonderful friends and family. Our hearts are full of your thoughts and prayers. Our cup runneth over. Thank you.
Our drive was smooth with little traffic. Peter Mull's sister lives in Baltimore and his brother-in-law Carl became our ground control. He flew us right to our hotel without a glitch. We're here! No know the old...'most accidents happen within five miles of destination'....our occurred within a 100 yards of our the parking garage...I have this spatial depth problem. When I go skiing the six-pack gates at the lift cause me much confusion and sometimes-internal panic no matter how many times I go through them. I had one of those moments. I slid my hotel card in the slot but also suddenly saw a note about taking a ticket...I didn't know if I was OK to go or if I needed to grab a ticket too. I asked the clerk who was locked in her glass hut without a window, like a goldfish except she was wearing red. She unlocked her bowl and came out to tell I could go so I did. As I went, the striped gate that works as an entrance barrier that had been suspended in air welcoming me into the lot came down on my car. I had waited too 30 seconds were up. Don't ask me why I did this...I blame it on my spatial perception issues...I gunned my car. I thought I could get out from underneath it or maybe it would pop back up if I went fast. Suddenly there was that sound of wood splitting (the gate being ripped from it's pole) and a wom

Bill went out to try to get a picture of the crime scene this morning. He returned to say there was a crew working to put on a new gate. I can’t exactly run out of dodge either!
We woke up to a snow day in Baltimore. The news had a lady standing in the streets of Baltimore telling people to be careful driving while the bottom screen had a ticker of school closings. All of this and there is barely a dusting....we even saw a man clearing the side walks with a leaf blower! I am enjoying the weather. It feels like home, which we already miss.
Bill is finishing up paperwork for his appointments today and I'm busy being too wordy. We have had many discussions on our trip, throughout the evening, and this AM of how fortunate we are to have such wonderful friends and family. Our hearts are full of your thoughts and prayers. Our cup runneth over. Thank you.